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Total Raised: $1,729,464
Open Matching Funds: $128,850
$7,000 Raised | $21,500 Match Remaining
The GALEO Impact Fund was founded in 2019 to expand and influence Latino political power in Georgia and elect progressive policymakers who align with their community's values, and hold all officials with Latino constituencies accountable. Their sister organization GALEO was founded in 2003 to increase civic participation by educating and empowering the Latino community and developing Latino leaders through strategic leadership programs throughout Georgia. GALEO’s 2023 Puente Para La Gente Survey showed them that the cost of living, access to meaningful wages and jobs, and protecting the quality of the air and water are all top priorities for the community. GALEO Impact Fund's is working hard to achieve positive outcomes for the Gwinnett and Cobb transit referendums.
Geography: Georgia
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Kyle Gomez-Leineweber, Director of Public Policy and Advocacy
Presentation Date: 08/27/2024
$42,000 Raised | $4,000 Match Remaining
Georgia Conservation Voters (GCV) believes all Georgians have the right to breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat healthy foods, and live in a world free from environmental harm. As an LCV affiliate, GCV envisions a future where Georgia’s elected leaders are informed and empowered to take action to advance climate and environmental justice. Their vision for the 2024 transit referendums in Cobb and Gwinnett counties is to enhance mobility for all by providing the right services in the right places. By turning out voters to pass this referendum, they aim to create clean jobs, foster energy independence, grow Georgia’s economy, and address transportation equity.
Geography: Georgia
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Brionté McCorkle, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 08/27/2024
$48,485 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
Despite growing uncertainty about the presidential candidacy, 1.5°CSG remains dedicated to directing investments toward critical down-ballot races. Regardless of your stance on the presidential election, it's critical that we keep mobilizing resources for pivotal Senate and House races. Join us for exclusive insights from climate action advocates Congresswoman Hilary Scholten and Congressman Mike Levin. Both of these frontline incumbents are also vocal proponents urging Biden to “pass the torch”.
Geography: California, Michigan
Funding Type: PAC
Presentation Date: 07/20/2024
$110,000 Raised | $45,000 Match Remaining
All data points show that hard-to-find & reach Black, Latino, Native, AAPI, women, and young voters will need additional engagement to turn out for values-aligned candidates. One way to motivate turnout is through layered canvas mail: a personalized mail touch will increase voter turnout, influence voter behavior, and decrease canvas decay. Through a partnership with WorkMoney we will be adding QR codes and pathways to connect voters to government resources that put money directly in their pockets. We know these voters feel economic anxiety and believe no one cares about their pain. The care and IRA benefits framework is an antidote to apathy so that voters can make a direct connection between their power at the voting booth and governing process. This is our opportunity to shift the political calculus -- and ensure voters aren’t isolated from the safety net.
Geography: Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, Wisconsin
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Grecia Lima, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 07/09/2024
$164,229 Raised
Dan Osborn is an independent candidate for Nebraska’s Federal Senate seat that is polling well against a MAGA incumbent. A recent labor leader, and steamfitter, Dan’s home-grown values and background have been found to resonate strongly with Nebraskans once they learn about him and his campaign. 1.5°CSG has been watching this race for a while and now spurred by continued strong performance in polling, the need for back-up victories in a difficult Senate landscape, and other funders starting to move support to the Osborn campaign, 1.5°CSG has decided to leap into this little-known competitive Senate race. Contributions to Dan Osborn’s campaign will unlock up to $150k in matching funds for the Nebraska Railroaders for Public Safety I.E. campaign in support of Dan Osborn.
Geography: Nebraska
Funding Type: PAC
Speaker: Dan Osborn, Independent candidate for Nebraska’s US Senate Seat
Presentation Date: 06/25/2024
$63,300 Raised | $58,350 Match Remaining
Jane Fonda Climate PAC is on a mission to reshape the political landscape, ensuring that leaders are not only aware of the urgent climate crisis but are also committed to taking decisive action. Through strategic campaigns, direct candidate support, and relentless grassroots organizing, Jane Fonda Climate PAC is holding the fossil fuel industry accountable and pushing for a sustainable future. And now, in 2024, they’re taking their efforts to the next level with the launch of a groundbreaking relational field organizing program. This initiative aims to empower communities and amplify their voices in electing climate champions to state legislative seats. These are the individuals who will shape policy, drive innovation, and lead us toward a cleaner, greener tomorrow. Join to learn more about the critical climate fights at the down ballot level and how JanePAC is building a bench of climate champions to lead us to a clean energy future.
Geography: National, California, Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada.
Funding Type: PAC
Speaker: Jane Fonda, Principal
Presentation Date: 05/28/2024
$30,500 Raised | $19,500 Remaining to Goal
Sister District mobilizes their national network of grassroots volunteers around the most strategic opportunities to win elections and build power in state legislatures. In 2024, they are driving make-or-break field and fundraising capacity to state legislative races in battlegrounds ― AZ, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA, WI. Sister District is closing narrow vote margins, helping Democrats win key seats, shifting the balance of power in entire chambers, and advancing policies on climate change, democracy, and more. Funding will allow Sister District to implement their proven volunteer-powered field strategies and tactics in these seven target states, and expand their work into MN and NH.
Geography: Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Lala Wu, Co-Founder & Executive Director
Presentation Date: 05/14/2024
$31,000 Raised | $19,000 Remaining to Goal
Red Wine & Blue is a grassroots community of over half a million diverse suburban women working together to defeat extremism, one friend at a time. They provide a welcoming pathway to political engagement for women, including many who have never been political before, to organize in their communities. To complement their full-time teams in MI, NC, PA, and OH,they are raising funds to hire additional GOTV organizers focused on converting their members into relational volunteers who mobilize their friends, family, and neighbors to vote in critical federal battleground areas. This is a rare relational field program targeting what has consistently proven to be one of the most important and moveable groups of voters - suburban women.
Geography: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Katie Paris, Founder & CEO
Presentation Date: 05/14/2024
$154,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
The Student PIRGs are a national network of student-run non-profits that have recruited, trained, and mobilized college and university students to win on public interest issues since 1971. The organization helped pass the first GHG reduction bills in the 2000s, won commitments for 100% renewable energy at the campus, city, and state level accomplished with a Boards of Directors made up entirely of current college students. This spring, the Student PIRGs aim to leverage their year-round infrastructure on campuses in Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia to educate young people about how their network and families can save money and save the environment through new programs and tax incentives created by the Inflation Reduction Act. StudentPIRGs IRA education program triages interested parties to WorkMoney's resource center to streamline each individuals enrollment process.
Geography: Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia
Funding Type: c4c3
Speaker: Dan Xie, Political Director
Presentation Date: 02/20/2024
$100,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
WP is a project development and financing company collaborating with NGOs, small businesses, and labor unions to co-develop community solar projects for racial and economic justice while utilizing IRA resources. With a current pipeline of 50 projects involving 16 partners, totaling 50 MW of clean energy, these initiatives aim to reduce CO2 emissions by over 42 metric tons and generate $115M in community benefits. 1.5°CSG funds will help the Ecological Citizen’s Project (ECP)'s 1.1 MW solar installation on 10 city properties in Peekskill, NY which is within competitive Congressional District-17. The $2M in community economic benefits this project generates will provide free food through an innovative food sovereignty program.
Geography: New York
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Bracken Hendricks, Chair of the Climate Justice Investment Committee
Presentation Date: 11/28/2023
$160,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
The Resiliency Law Center champions a fair balance between local communities and corporate interests in Puerto Rico's redevelopment. They prevent harmful projects and misuse of federal resources, initially as a project of the University of Puerto Rico's law department and now as an independent organization. With dedicated teams of lawyers, they tackle significant cases impacting Puerto Ricans. Alongside legal action, they engage in grassroots advocacy campaigns opposing detrimental projects and supporting positive initiatives.
Geography: Puerto Rico
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Adi Marinez, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 06/13/2023
$170,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
 Sembrando Sentido is addressing corruption and misallocation of federal resources through a big data approach to enhance transparency. They have partnered with the U.S. Census Bureau to develop a tool that captures funding data in a uniform format and tracks resource movement in Puerto Rico. Algorithms identify red flags for potential corruption and slow-moving funds, while green flags indicate positive outcomes. They use this tool to create digestible resources for community advocacy. Through these efforts, they are empowering communities, holding government agencies accountable, and promoting efficient resource allocation in Puerto Rico.
Geography: Puerto Rico
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Issell Masses, Founder & Executive Director
Presentation Date: 06/13/2023
$155,500 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
Harambee house is organizing the Southeast Environmental Justice Summit on June 7-11th in Atlanta, Georgia. This summit will bring together front-line community organizers with utilities, businesses, energy service companies, and federal agency representatives to prepare them to apply for new federal funding opportunities under IRA and other federal programs. An output of this summit will be a draft 10 year environmental justice plan for the 8 states in EPA Region 4 including: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Geography: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Dr. Mildred McCain, Founder
Presentation Date: 05/02/2023

Louisiana Electoral Collective

$136,700 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
Louisiana stands at the precipice of a constitutional crisis, raising grave concerns for climate, justice, and democracy. With the upcoming November election likely returning the Governor's office to the Republicans and them potentially maintaining their supermajorities in both chambers, Republicans could unilaterally convene a constitutional convention, threatening to overhaul the State constitution. Alarming proposals by Republicans include stripping local regulatory and taxing authority over the State's extensive fossil fuel and petrochemical industries. Hear from two organizations that are being coordinated by the Electoral Collective in Louisiana: Greater Now Orleans Housing Alliance, and Power Coalition for Equity & Justice
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c4c3
Presentation Date: 02/10/2023

Additional Davante Lewis Public Service Commissioner Runoff Investments

$143,050 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
In addition to 1.5°CSG’s fundraising efforts for Together Louisiana and POWER Coalition for Equity & Justice in support of Davante Lewis’ election to Public Service Commissioner District 3 in Louisiana, 1.5°CSG also raised $69.5k for Davante Lewis’ candidate campaign and $73.6k which was allocated to other grassroots organizations positioned to positively impact this important race.
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: PACc4
Presentation Date: 12/01/2022
$45,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
A faith focused organization that is deploying both c3 and c4 resources to aid with Davante Lewis receiving endorsements from other candidates that did not advance past the primary and to turn-out voters in regions that did not trend towards the fossil fuel friendly incumbent.
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c4c3
Speaker: Broderick Bagert, Organizer
Presentation Date: 11/15/2022
$168,700 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
An experienced organization focused on expanding the electorate by reaching disenfranchised communities which runs direct programmatic activities and also sub-grants to a large number of other aligned grassroots organizations.
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c4c3
Speaker: Morgan Shannon, Deputy Director
Presentation Date: 11/15/2022