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Total Raised: $557,700
Open Matching Funds: $74,650
$40,700 Raised | $29,650 Match Remaining | $109,300 Remaining to Goal
Climate Emergency Advocates (CEA) is launching a targeted, metric-driven door-to-door operation to re-elect Senator Jon Tester and boost voter turnout for PSC candidates Susan Bilo (District 2) and Lenny Williams (District 3). This youth focused program plans 55,000 door knocks, combined with mail, phone, and digital outreach to arguably the most important low-propensity cohort in the State. CEA has secured $150,000 in political funds for this Montana project, faces a $200,000 minimum viable launch budget, and has the capacity to expend $300,000 productively while local organization’s field capacities are mostly saturated.
Geography: Montana
Funding Type: c4
Speaker: Shaun Kelleher, Head of Campaigns
Presentation Date: 09/24/2024
$20,500 Raised
Senator Jon Tester, a third-generation Montana farmer, grandfather, and former school teacher, has served in the U.S. Senate since 2006. As Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, he also sits on the Banking, Commerce, and Indian Affairs Committees. Tester and his wife Sharla continue to farm their family land near Big Sandy. A champion for climate change, conservation, and renewable energy, Jon has been a strong advocate for rural communities and public lands. He supported the Inflation Reduction Act, playing a key role in passing this transformational legislation.
Geography: Montana
Funding Type: PAC
Speaker: Jon Testor, U.S Senator
Presentation Date: 09/24/2024
$110,000 Raised | $45,000 Match Remaining
All data points show that hard-to-find & reach Black, Latino, Native, AAPI, women, and young voters will need additional engagement to turn out for values-aligned candidates. One way to motivate turnout is through layered canvas mail: a personalized mail touch will increase voter turnout, influence voter behavior, and decrease canvas decay. Through a partnership with WorkMoney we will be adding QR codes and pathways to connect voters to government resources that put money directly in their pockets. We know these voters feel economic anxiety and believe no one cares about their pain. The care and IRA benefits framework is an antidote to apathy so that voters can make a direct connection between their power at the voting booth and governing process. This is our opportunity to shift the political calculus -- and ensure voters aren’t isolated from the safety net.
Geography: Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, Wisconsin
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Grecia Lima, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 07/09/2024
$206,500 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
Somos Votantes has initiated a field program with seven canvassers dedicated to Nevada and another seven in Arizona, with a focus on educating Latino communities about the opportunities provided by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Through a comprehensive approach involving canvassing, community events, mail programs, digital advertising, and local radio, Somos Votantes casts a wide net to inform Latinos about the economic opportunities brought to them by the Biden administration's IRA. Those who they encourage to access these financial benefits are seamlessly connected with WorkMoney, which takes the lead in facilitating their enrollment in IRA programs.
Geography: Arizona, Nevada
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Melissa Morales, Founder & President
Presentation Date: 11/07/2023
$180,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
The Arizona Coalition for Change (C4C), a 501(c)3 Black-led community organization focuses on community empowerment and civic power-building including advocating for progressive policies like voter justice, economic and environmental justice, and youth justice in marginalized Arizona neighborhoods. Notably, they've launched the Clean Energy Clear Lungs (CECL) campaign, promoting clean energy and reducing air pollution in marginalized communities through education and resources while leveraging Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) benefits. This campaign also nurtures lifelong advocates for environmental justice at both state and federal levels. C4C's education program triages interested parties to WorkMoney's resource center to streamline each individuals enrollment process.
Geography: Arizona
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Reginald Bolding Sena Mohammed, Founder Executive Director
Presentation Date: 09/26/2023