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Total Raised: $1,988,300
Open Matching Funds: $174,400
$12,700 Raised | $13,650 Match Remaining
The NAYA Action Fund is raising funds to defeat Initiative 2117 in Washington State and protect the progress made under the Climate Commitment Act of 2021. They are mobilizing a paid field team for door-to-door canvassing and phone banking, while also launching a robust social media campaign and targeted mailers. Financial support will help inform voters, amplify their message, and ensure the community's voice is heard. Together, they aim to safeguard the environment and build a sustainable future for all.
Geography: Washington, Oregon
Funding Type: c4
Speaker: William Miller, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 09/12/2024
$35,200 Raised | $22,400 Match Remaining
Washington Conservation Action works to protect Washington's air, water, land, and democracy. To defeat Initiative I-2117, they are focusing on increasing voter turnout among younger and Latino voters across the state, particularly in Washington’s 3rd Congressional District. This effort includes site-based and door-to-door engagement in key communities. Collaborating with community partners, they will conduct site-based persuasion and voter registration at community colleges, provide in-language outreach to Latino voters, and engage suburban neighborhoods through door-to-door contact. By utilizing a shared voter file with partners, Washington Conservation Action will ensure real-time data updates to maximize efficiency and impact.
Geography: Washington
Funding Type: PAC
Speaker: Alyssa Macy, CEO
Presentation Date: 09/12/2024
$1,171,600 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
The Rural Youth Voter Fund (RYVF) supports and expands civic engagement and power-building efforts that nurture the extraordinary promise of young rural voters to protect and strengthen democracy. Launched in 2023 by the Rural Democracy Initiative (RDI), Movement Voter Project, and Clean and Prosperous America, RYVF is building a network of grassroots organizations working to mobilize the 30 million ambivalent young voters living in rural areas and small cities in key battleground states. RYVF aims to deploy at least $10 million to effective efforts focused on voter participation, leadership development, persuasive communications, and rural issues affecting young people. Camille Thompson with Collective Renaissance Georgia, a recipient of RYVF support, spoke on the call as a representative of the types of orgs supported by the RYVF.
Geography: National
Funding Type: c4c3
Speaker: Sarah Jaynes, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 08/06/2024
$130,000 Raised | $35,000 Match Remaining
Ohio Organizing Collaborative (OOC) is the state's largest community organizing group and independent voter engagement program centering people of color, women, and young people. OOC membership includes students, people of faith, felony impacted people, public school parents, care economy workers and more. Through this program, OOC will apply their deep experience running field programs to a new partnership with WorkMoney to educate Ohioans about opportunities to receive financial benefits generated by the Inflation Reduction Act.
Geography: Ohio
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Molly Shack, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 07/09/2024
$110,000 Raised | $45,000 Match Remaining
All data points show that hard-to-find & reach Black, Latino, Native, AAPI, women, and young voters will need additional engagement to turn out for values-aligned candidates. One way to motivate turnout is through layered canvas mail: a personalized mail touch will increase voter turnout, influence voter behavior, and decrease canvas decay. Through a partnership with WorkMoney we will be adding QR codes and pathways to connect voters to government resources that put money directly in their pockets. We know these voters feel economic anxiety and believe no one cares about their pain. The care and IRA benefits framework is an antidote to apathy so that voters can make a direct connection between their power at the voting booth and governing process. This is our opportunity to shift the political calculus -- and ensure voters aren’t isolated from the safety net.
Geography: Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, Wisconsin
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Grecia Lima, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 07/09/2024
$63,300 Raised | $58,350 Match Remaining
Jane Fonda Climate PAC is on a mission to reshape the political landscape, ensuring that leaders are not only aware of the urgent climate crisis but are also committed to taking decisive action. Through strategic campaigns, direct candidate support, and relentless grassroots organizing, Jane Fonda Climate PAC is holding the fossil fuel industry accountable and pushing for a sustainable future. And now, in 2024, they’re taking their efforts to the next level with the launch of a groundbreaking relational field organizing program. This initiative aims to empower communities and amplify their voices in electing climate champions to state legislative seats. These are the individuals who will shape policy, drive innovation, and lead us toward a cleaner, greener tomorrow. Join to learn more about the critical climate fights at the down ballot level and how JanePAC is building a bench of climate champions to lead us to a clean energy future.
Geography: National, California, Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada.
Funding Type: PAC
Speaker: Jane Fonda, Principal
Presentation Date: 05/28/2024
$31,000 Raised | $19,000 Remaining to Goal
Red Wine & Blue is a grassroots community of over half a million diverse suburban women working together to defeat extremism, one friend at a time. They provide a welcoming pathway to political engagement for women, including many who have never been political before, to organize in their communities. To complement their full-time teams in MI, NC, PA, and OH,they are raising funds to hire additional GOTV organizers focused on converting their members into relational volunteers who mobilize their friends, family, and neighbors to vote in critical federal battleground areas. This is a rare relational field program targeting what has consistently proven to be one of the most important and moveable groups of voters - suburban women.
Geography: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Katie Paris, Founder & CEO
Presentation Date: 05/14/2024
$30,500 Raised | $19,500 Remaining to Goal
Sister District mobilizes their national network of grassroots volunteers around the most strategic opportunities to win elections and build power in state legislatures. In 2024, they are driving make-or-break field and fundraising capacity to state legislative races in battlegrounds ― AZ, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA, WI. Sister District is closing narrow vote margins, helping Democrats win key seats, shifting the balance of power in entire chambers, and advancing policies on climate change, democracy, and more. Funding will allow Sister District to implement their proven volunteer-powered field strategies and tactics in these seven target states, and expand their work into MN and NH.
Geography: Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Lala Wu, Co-Founder & Executive Director
Presentation Date: 05/14/2024
$50,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
Citizens’ Climate Lobby's c3 affiliate Citizens’ Climate Education (“CCE”) is a nonpartisan grassroots network with 220,000+ supporters and 380 active chapters across the United States. For this project, CCE is partnering with WorkMoney to raise awareness about their resource center which helps consumers capture electrification and weatherization credits. CCE volunteers will deploy educational resources nationally, including in every key battleground state and district generating an economically efficient cost-per-acquisition. In these battleground areas alone, the expected impact of this $50k project is direct exposure to 57,000 supporters and the promotion of educational materials via 1,250+ tabling events and volunteer-organized presentations.
Geography: National
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Topher Anderson, Acting Director of Development
Presentation Date: 04/16/2024
$154,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
The Student PIRGs are a national network of student-run non-profits that have recruited, trained, and mobilized college and university students to win on public interest issues since 1971. The organization helped pass the first GHG reduction bills in the 2000s, won commitments for 100% renewable energy at the campus, city, and state level accomplished with a Boards of Directors made up entirely of current college students. This spring, the Student PIRGs aim to leverage their year-round infrastructure on campuses in Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia to educate young people about how their network and families can save money and save the environment through new programs and tax incentives created by the Inflation Reduction Act. StudentPIRGs IRA education program triages interested parties to WorkMoney's resource center to streamline each individuals enrollment process.
Geography: Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia
Funding Type: c4c3
Speaker: Dan Xie, Political Director
Presentation Date: 02/20/2024
$100,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
Greenlight America is focused on leveraging local grassroots support with the goal of winning local clean energy siting and permitting fights. The U.S. needs to build 6,000 clean energy facilities over the next decade, almost 2 per day, as well as more than 10,000 miles of transmission lines to hit emission reduction goals. Local opposition is the biggest obstacle to these projects, and there are few coordinated efforts to engage supporters as advocates for these projects. Greenlight is building a scalable, nationwide clean energy campaign hub to work with partner organizations, engage and mobilize local residents, and win project approvals.
Geography: National
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Matt Traldi, Founder and CEO
Presentation Date: 10/10/2023
$100,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
Forward Together Wisconsin (FTW) was founded to educate Wisconsinites about resources made available to them by the Biden-Harris Administration, to immediately connect community members to these resources, and to direct additional charitable dollars to aid in the implementation of these resources to make them as accessible as possible. Not only does FTW help tell the story of the positive impact progressive policy has on communities and community members, but we are a part of making this story a reality. We especially focus on engaging underserved groups, including communities of color, working class families, rural communities, and tribal communities. FTW's education program triages interested parties to WorkMoney's resource center to streamline each individuals enrollment process.
Geography: Wisconsin
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Peter Drummond, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 09/26/2023