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Total Raised: $970,205
Open Matching Funds: $80,000
$130,000 Raised | $35,000 Match Remaining
Ohio Organizing Collaborative (OOC) is the state's largest community organizing group and independent voter engagement program centering people of color, women, and young people. OOC membership includes students, people of faith, felony impacted people, public school parents, care economy workers and more. Through this program, OOC will apply their deep experience running field programs to a new partnership with WorkMoney to educate Ohioans about opportunities to receive financial benefits generated by the Inflation Reduction Act.
Geography: Ohio
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Molly Shack, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 07/09/2024
$110,000 Raised | $45,000 Match Remaining
All data points show that hard-to-find & reach Black, Latino, Native, AAPI, women, and young voters will need additional engagement to turn out for values-aligned candidates. One way to motivate turnout is through layered canvas mail: a personalized mail touch will increase voter turnout, influence voter behavior, and decrease canvas decay. Through a partnership with WorkMoney we will be adding QR codes and pathways to connect voters to government resources that put money directly in their pockets. We know these voters feel economic anxiety and believe no one cares about their pain. The care and IRA benefits framework is an antidote to apathy so that voters can make a direct connection between their power at the voting booth and governing process. This is our opportunity to shift the political calculus -- and ensure voters aren’t isolated from the safety net.
Geography: Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, Wisconsin
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Grecia Lima, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 07/09/2024
$31,000 Raised | $19,000 Remaining to Goal
Red Wine & Blue is a grassroots community of over half a million diverse suburban women working together to defeat extremism, one friend at a time. They provide a welcoming pathway to political engagement for women, including many who have never been political before, to organize in their communities. To complement their full-time teams in MI, NC, PA, and OH,they are raising funds to hire additional GOTV organizers focused on converting their members into relational volunteers who mobilize their friends, family, and neighbors to vote in critical federal battleground areas. This is a rare relational field program targeting what has consistently proven to be one of the most important and moveable groups of voters - suburban women.
Geography: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Katie Paris, Founder & CEO
Presentation Date: 05/14/2024

Louisiana Electoral Collective

$136,700 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
Louisiana stands at the precipice of a constitutional crisis, raising grave concerns for climate, justice, and democracy. With the upcoming November election likely returning the Governor's office to the Republicans and them potentially maintaining their supermajorities in both chambers, Republicans could unilaterally convene a constitutional convention, threatening to overhaul the State constitution. Alarming proposals by Republicans include stripping local regulatory and taxing authority over the State's extensive fossil fuel and petrochemical industries. Hear from two organizations that are being coordinated by the Electoral Collective in Louisiana: Greater Now Orleans Housing Alliance, and Power Coalition for Equity & Justice
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c4c3
Presentation Date: 02/10/2023

Additional Davante Lewis Public Service Commissioner Runoff Investments

$143,050 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
In addition to 1.5°CSG’s fundraising efforts for Together Louisiana and POWER Coalition for Equity & Justice in support of Davante Lewis’ election to Public Service Commissioner District 3 in Louisiana, 1.5°CSG also raised $69.5k for Davante Lewis’ candidate campaign and $73.6k which was allocated to other grassroots organizations positioned to positively impact this important race.
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: PACc4
Presentation Date: 12/01/2022
$168,700 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
An experienced organization focused on expanding the electorate by reaching disenfranchised communities which runs direct programmatic activities and also sub-grants to a large number of other aligned grassroots organizations.
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c4c3
Speaker: Morgan Shannon, Deputy Director
Presentation Date: 11/15/2022
$45,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
A faith focused organization that is deploying both c3 and c4 resources to aid with Davante Lewis receiving endorsements from other candidates that did not advance past the primary and to turn-out voters in regions that did not trend towards the fossil fuel friendly incumbent.
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c4c3
Speaker: Broderick Bagert, Organizer
Presentation Date: 11/15/2022
$205,755 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
A newspaper with crossword puzzles and broad stories distributed to free to swing voters in non-urban areas of Ohio and other battleground states with pro-Democratic newsworthy stories.
Geography: Ohio
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Danny Kazin, Senior Advisor
Presentation Date: 10/04/2022