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Total Raised: $1,640,900
Open Matching Funds: $199,250
$601,500 Raised | $199,250 Match Remaining
Texas’s rapidly changing demographics warrant significant long-term power-building investments, while the positive polling trends for 2024 indicate a promising path to a potential Allred victory in Texas that could deliver Senate and trifecta control. In response, 1.5°CSG, in collaboration with Way to Win, is excited to announce our largest-ever $500,000 matching funds challenge. Contributions to any of the three featured organizations will be matched dollar-for-dollar, doubling the impact of your support.
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) which leads the “Fight for Democracy” program, focused on mobilizing Black and Latino voters in Texas' five largest counties through canvassing, calling, texting, and paid media. Contact: Derrick Osobase
  • Texas Organizing Project’s (TOP) voter contact program engages voters with canvassing, calls, texts, relational outreach, mail, and digital. They focus on empowering Black voters through organizing in key Texas counties. Contact: Brianna Brown
  • Texas Freedom Network (TFN) is a leading voter engagement model, targeting young Texans through comprehensive GOTV efforts including canvassing, digital ads, and campus outreach events across the state. Contact: Val Benavidez
Geography: Texas
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Presentation Date: 09/17/2024
$50,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
The Oregon League of Conservation Voters PAC (OLCV PAC) is the state’s leading environmental organization for electing pro-climate candidates. As an LCV affiliate, OLCV PAC's top priority for 2024 is electing new super majorities to the Oregon House and Senate. If successful, a number of climate and other progressive policies are expected to move through the State legislature as the Republican walk-out strategy that has blocked climate legislation in Oregon for years would be much less effective. Both chambers are just one seat shy of a super-majority, and there is a path to pick up those seats in 2024 while targeting state legislative races nested within the highly competitive OR-5 congressional race.
Geography: Oregon
Funding Type: PACc4c3
Speaker: Lindsey Scholten, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 07/23/2024
$200,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
The Center for Planning Excellence is taking an NGO leadership role in building out state collaborative efforts around accessing federal funds, including the IRA, and deploying those funds well. In particular, they are working to establish a strong state energy office through legislative and other advocacy efforts.
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Camille Manning-Broome, President & CEO
Presentation Date: 08/08/2023
$250,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
TCJP is developing and expanding NGO-led state coordinating tables focused on expanding the partnership between labor and environmental organizations to access IRA funding for climate and economic development efforts in the fossil fuel heavy State of Texas.
Geography: Texas
Funding Type: c3
Speaker: Bo Delp, Executive Director
Presentation Date: 04/04/2023

Louisiana Electoral Collective

$136,700 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
Louisiana stands at the precipice of a constitutional crisis, raising grave concerns for climate, justice, and democracy. With the upcoming November election likely returning the Governor's office to the Republicans and them potentially maintaining their supermajorities in both chambers, Republicans could unilaterally convene a constitutional convention, threatening to overhaul the State constitution. Alarming proposals by Republicans include stripping local regulatory and taxing authority over the State's extensive fossil fuel and petrochemical industries. Hear from two organizations that are being coordinated by the Electoral Collective in Louisiana: Greater Now Orleans Housing Alliance, and Power Coalition for Equity & Justice
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c4c3
Presentation Date: 02/10/2023
$168,700 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
An experienced organization focused on expanding the electorate by reaching disenfranchised communities which runs direct programmatic activities and also sub-grants to a large number of other aligned grassroots organizations.
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c4c3
Speaker: Morgan Shannon, Deputy Director
Presentation Date: 11/15/2022
$45,000 Raised | Fundraising Goal Achieved!
A faith focused organization that is deploying both c3 and c4 resources to aid with Davante Lewis receiving endorsements from other candidates that did not advance past the primary and to turn-out voters in regions that did not trend towards the fossil fuel friendly incumbent.
Geography: Louisiana
Funding Type: c4c3
Speaker: Broderick Bagert, Organizer
Presentation Date: 11/15/2022