Membership Digest – April 14, 2024
Hello 1.5CSG Listserv Members,
I am excited to share with you our May 1.5°CSG Membership Digest to update you on upcoming events, highlight organizational efforts funded through your commitment and generosity, and share important announcements.
‘’If you’ve ever thought about the Big Problems In The World (or even the little ones) and told yourself your little self couldn’t possibly have an impact, meet Ning’’- Johanna Walker, Speaking Coach & Storytelling Expert
A beautiful highlight and shoutout from Johanna Walker, highlighting our founder Ning Mosberger-Tang. Ms.Walker wanted to highlight extraordinary people doing extraordinary work in the world. This story highlights Ning’s impact from her early childhood to her current organizing efforts to bring together community and philanthropy to accelerate climate action!
Read the full blog, click here.
StudentPIRGs National Highlights!
You may remember StudentPIRGs, from their ‘Save Money, Save the Environment’ campaign IRA project we funded (they recently presented this topic at America Votes annual conference too!) – they’ve shared with us some highlights from their March Madness for Climate competition – PIRG students educated more than 2,500 community members about how they can save money and save the environment through the IRA in the last month alone! Read the full report here!
NEW Evergreen/RMI/Climate XChange CPRG Blog Analyzing States Climate Plans
I am excited to share that recent 1.5°CSG presenter Evergreen Action, RMI, and Climate XChange released a new blog last week, they Read 6,795 Pages of State Climate Plans. Here’s a First Look at What They Found. As you know, the IRA established the CPRG program to provide $5 billion to states, municipalities, Tribes, and other governments to reduce climate pollution. The first phase of the program, the planning grants, saw 45 states, Puerto Rico, and DC submit Priority Climate Action plans to EPA. Evergreen, in partnership with RMI and Climate XChange, read through all of the plans, and analyzed what states hope to do with CPRG funding, how ambitious their plans are, what they tell us about our nationwide climate progress, and how stakeholders can strengthen, implement, and expand these plans going forward. Please check out the full blog to learn more.
Cool Events Rapidly Approaching in April
Reserve Your Spot to the 1.5°CSG In-Person Gathering in Phoenix, Arizona April 18th- 20th
We cordially invite you to RSVP for this 1.5°CSG in-person convening 4/18 -> 4/20 so you can participate in all the amazing networking and learning we will be doing at co-hosted receptions, exclusive dinners, and the impactful site-visits we have planned. Full Agenda Here. If you can’t make it we understand, but please consider sharing this message with others whom you believe would find value in joining us. You do not need to be 1.5°CSG members to RSVP for this 1.5°CSG convening; all interested philanthropists and donor advisors are welcome to attend.
StudentPIRGs Youth Earth Week 2024 on Apr 21st- 27th
This year, StudentPIRGs are excited to celebrate by hosting more than 100 local actions as a part of Youth Earth Week all across the country from April 21st, 2024 to April 27th, 2024. From ocean clean ups to lobby days with your elected officials and from educational panels to address climate change to petition events to save endangered species – we are excited to see a diverse range of actions from everyone to help youth celebrate our planet. Click here to read all about it!
EarthX2024 Congress of Conferences Apr 22nd- 26st in Dallas, Texas
Discover the evolution of EarthX at this year’s Congress of Conferences – billed as the leading gathering for environmentalists of all backgrounds and perspectives. At EarthX, an unprecedented cross-pollination of people, power, and perspectives are fostered, and the potential is unrivaled. Every idea finds a home, so long as it is expressed with respect, to cultivate learning, understanding, and the common goal of safeguarding life on Earth.
EarthX2024 Congress of Conferences will be held on April 22nd, 2024 to April 26th, 2024 in Dallas at the Hilton Anatole. It’s going to be a great week and attached is a one-pager that lays out the entire conference. Visit EarthX.org to register!\
I welcome you to reply to the listserv and tell us all about what events and organizational updates you are most excited about,
Ariana McKisic
Program Officer