1.5°Climate Pitch Interest Form
The 1.5°Climate Strategies Group (1.5°Climate) is a national donor collaborative that is focused on identifying a comprehensive range of impactful and equitable climate solutions and mobilizing the necessary resources to rapidly catalyze and scale up these solutions. 1.5°Climate hosts biweekly organizational quick pitches enabling members to make catalytic climate investments in a wide variety of organizations working in the nexus between climate and policy.
If your organization is interested in presenting to the 1.5°Climate, please complete this intake form. After submitting the form, you will receive an email with a unique URL to a budget worksheet which will allow you to share additional details about your organization’s programs.
Please note that if your organization’s work does not align with 1.5°Climate priorities at this time, we will save your information and may reach out to you if/when our focus aligns with your work.
1.5°Climate works with Clean & Prosperous America’s CaPA connector to help standardize and professionalize our intake review process. By completing this form, you agree to have your organization’s submitted information shared with CaPA and made privately available to other institutional donors beyond 1.5°Climate that may be interested in funding your organization. CaPA will also elevate your organization’s basic org information publicly through the CaPA Connector Platform where other philanthropists, and prospective partners, can learn about your organization unless you choose to opt out below.
To aid your work on this submission: Here is a Google document with all the questions in the 1.5°Climate intake form. We recommend you make a copy of this form to save your work for any group editing with your team prior to final submission. You can also print and save this form as a PDF to have an offline copy of the questions.